Looking for a Next Step?
Maybe you've been to worship for awhile or are just wondering what your next step might be.
We believe that our faith is a lifelong journey traveled one step at a time. So, you are invited to take one of these Next Steps here at College Church:
Come to a "Meet and Greet" with Pastor Bill:
Every other month, Pastor Bill holds this in the Parlor at 11:45 a.m. on a Sunday. It is a short (30min) introduction to some things about the church such as our vision, Connect Classes, a little about our history, and what ever else you want to know! Come meet a few people, have a cold beverage, and take a next step.
Take the Connect Classes offered periodically: They can be taken in any order. They are 1 session classes and run about 1 hour each. These deal some of the essentials of the Christian faith and being a follower of Christ.
Christian Beliefs - (Knowing Christ)
Spiritual Practices - (Growing in Christ)
Gifts and Abilities - (Serving Christ)
Partnering - (Sharing Christ)
Join a Small Group: College UMC has a variety of small groups based on interest areas. This is a great way to meet people, have fun, and grow in faith!
Have questions about where you might find a place here and take a next step? We'd love to visit with you about it.