Check out some of our Ministries below.
Check out some of our Ministries below.
Grow Groups
One of the best ways to get acquainted, build friendships, and grow in your faith is through small groups. Besides, it's just fun!
Our Small Group ministry is aimed at a variety of interest areas, but has a common thread of Knowing, Growing, Caring, and Sharing. Groups vary in meeting times and places.
At present, the following groups are meeting:
Coffee, Donuts & Great Conversation: Sundays 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
PS with PB: Join Pastor Bill on Sundays after worship (11 a.m.) to ask questions about the sermon and hear the tidbits that make it into the sermon.
Prayer and Meditation: Growing in our life of prayer and seeking serenity. Meets the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 1 p.m.
Women's Sunday AM Faith Discussion: Uses the Upper Room publication. Meets at 9 a.m.
United Women In Faith:: Meets monthly for women of all ages.
Open Door Class: Meets Sundays at 9 a.m. and is open to everyone. Takes a Christian look at current event topics.
College Church has a history of serving the Warrenton community We'd love to tell you that story! If you want to make a difference in the lives of those in need, there is a place for you on our Missions Team or just by participating in the many missions activities that are always in progress.
We offer ongoing support of Agape Ministry of Warren County which serves many families in our area.
A few of the many missions projects here at College UMC are:
Community Clothes Closet: Providing free clothing to those in need
Loads of Love: Providing free laundry service for people at the local laundromat and building relationships.
Christmas Gifts for Families: Working with Agape Ministry to make Christmas a joy for families in need.
Festival of Sharing: Participating in this annual sharing of food and restocking the food pantry at Agape.
Prison Pen Pal Ministry: Sharing letters and offering support and Christian contact to those who are incarcerated
Orange Bags: Collecting food for families in need
Music and Worship
Music is essential for meaningful worship and a vital part of College UMC!
Our single service at 10:00 AM on Sunday contains musical elements of both traditional and contemporary worship.
We also have a dedicated tech crew who helps make it all happen!
We have some talented musicians, but we are always looking for those who love to sing, play an instrument, or work at sound or setting up the Sunday worship screens!
Come join us if you love music!
Worship is often the first step of new guests to the church and a vital part of becoming a follower of Christ. We intend for all our guests in worship to be warmly welcomed and to feel God's presence.
Children and Youth
Amber Dickens, Director
Call her at 636-235-4277 or email
Children and youth are a vital part of our church and we love their families, too! All our volunteers are Safe Sanctuary trained and have background checks. All our children and youth rooms are at the East Entrance. We know that bringing your young ones to a new place is a big step. They are always welcome in worship, but we also have the following options:
The Nursery serves infants and young children to age 4 and is open on Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and staffed by trained and background checked people who love children. Just ask a Greeter to take you to the Nursery when you arrive.
Children's Small Group (Age 4 - Grade 5) is on Sunday mornings at 9 AM. Lessons are interactive and focus on child appropriate Bible stories and crafts.
YOUTH (Gr. 6 - 12)
Four-12 Youth Group - Our youth group meets every Sunday evening from 5:00 - 7:00 PM during "The Encounter". Food, fun, and growing in their faith is on the agenda.
Sunday Small Group - Meets at 9 a.m.
Special Events and Mission Trips: Youth also participate in a yearly Mission Trip to serve those in need.
Church & Community
There are a variety of other church and community ministries where we serve. College UMC is a long time supporter of Agape Ministry of Warren County which makes a definite impact on the lives of children and families in need. You will find our congregation active in many ways in the Warrenton community.
Many of the ministries in our church reach beyond our walls and also help us be a church focused on our vision of "spiritual growth and outward focus."
Here are some of our ministries:
Outreach - yearly planning for reaching out to others and being part of our community
Hospitality (Greeting) - helping our guests to feel welcome
Fellowship Time - preparing coffee and items for fellowship time before worship service
Worship - helping to make our services a time when our guests feel God's presence through word and music
Green Team - keeping our outdoor spaces beautiful
Men's Ministry - encouraging men in their walk of faith and supporting the church
Women In Faith - supporting efforts of the church and UMW
Church Support Ministries - Trustees, Finance, Staff Parish Relations and others support the functioning of the church
In addition, College UMC hosts community groups for:
Narcotics Anonymous: 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall
Al-ANON (Mondays @ 7:00 PM in Room 105)
Girl Scouts
Retired Teachers (4th Tuesday each month at 9 AM in the Fellowship Hall)
Pathway for Spiritual Growth
Our faith is a lifelong journey of peaks and valleys. The Pathway for Spiritual Growth is like a map or guide for your journey of faith. The essential practices in the four areas of the Pathway are meant to help you as you seek to become a devoted follower of Christ.
A great way to start is with:
Watch for announcements.
CONNECT CLASSES AT COLLEGE UMC: The Connect Classes are 1 session each which lasts about an hour. They can be taken in any order and are offered two or three times per year. Watch for the dates or ask us.
We offer four Connect Classes which teach the areas of the Pathway:
Christian Beliefs (Knowing Christ)
Spiritual Practices (Growing in Christ)
Gifts and Abilities (Serving Christ)
Partnering (Sharing Christ)
Each of the classes deals with one of the areas below:
Knowing Christ - Building a personal relationship with Christ, exploring questions of faith, and understanding and applying scripture to our lives. (Worship, reading and reflecting on scripture, learning about the teachings of Jesus and the Bible)
Growing in Christ - Growing to be more like Jesus and being guided by the Holy Spirit in everyday life.
(Prayer, devotional time, meditation, learning with others in small groups)
Serving Christ - Putting our love of God into practice through acts of compassion, serving others and the church, and being the presence of Christ beyond our walls. (Using our gifts and abilities, finding places to serve)
Sharing Christ - Being willing to share our faith with others through word and action and partnering with the church by our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. (Support for the church, building relationships and inviting others)